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Friday, 21 March 2003
Mowing Lawns Can Kill (link)
Racing Lawm Mowers

Kym has been on my case over the last few weeks about getting our lawns mowed. Being the worlds greatest procrastinator I've found plenty of 'reasons' why I'm unable to do them 'just at the moment' but I'm starting to run out of excuses. This is why I was pleased to find a life-threatening aspect to lawn-mowing on the following news item...

PORT ANGELES, Wash. (06-01) - A man died after plunging 200 feet off a cliff when he lost control of his riding lawnmower. Ken Campbell, 55, was riding his lawnmower  in front of his vacation home when he turned sharply  to avoid the cliff. Campbell was thrown off when the mower rolled and flipped over the edge of the cliff.

I dont really know if the story is true, but who cares as long as Kym believes it :-). Speaking of Lawnmowers though...

Question: What's the difference between a Viola and a lawnmower?
Answer: You can tune the lawnmower

9:19:09 PM  
Earth Nearly Blind-Sided (link)

On this day a year ago, a sizeable asteroid that could have easily wiped us out wizzed past the Earth without anyone even noticing till it had passed. Apparently it was in some sort of blind-spot, and it was about the same distance away as the moon, but that's pretty close in astronomical terms. Just goes to show how futile the whole near-earth-asteroid collision avoidance crap is.

9:18:17 PM  
BTW, Were All Still Alive (link)

well at least those of us down here in the southern hemisphere. I did pop into one of my colleagues offices today to catch some coverage on TV but it was all rather boring. Why can't we see some decent blood and guts action, missile-schmissle, get those boys in there for some house-to-house action ... yee ha !!!  :-(

According to IraqBodyCount the current civilian death toll is around 16 after the handfull of skirmishes over the last 48-hours. Unfortunately this is gonna take a big jump as soon as the yanks start buzzing a few of the B52's over the area.

Here's some scary details from IraqBodyCount about the area of devastation a single 2000lb bomb causes dropped by a B-52 (of the 16 they can carry)...

  • everyone within a 120 meter radius is killed
  • to be safe from serious shrapnel damage, a person must be at least 365 meters away
  • to be really safe from all effects of fragmentation, a person must be 1000 meters away

9:17:18 PM  

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Todays Reading...
o Steam motorcycle
o UFO Area: Our Special Reports
o SOA Facts
o xkcd - A webcomic of romance, sarcasm, math, and language - By Randall Munroe
o Helen Clarks marijuana speech 1994 Waikato University

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